What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a form of therapy in which fine single-use sterile needles are inserted into specific points on the body. Practitioners may also use additional techniques alongside acupuncture such as moxibustion, cupping, massage and electro-acupuncture, all of which will be explained before use..

Is acupuncture safe?

Extensive research has shown that reported adverse events following acupuncture are incredibly rare and that most side effects are mild and pass very quickly. Serious side effects following acupuncture are uncommon, with research showing that on average only 1 in 10,000 treatments results in a significant side effect.

The most common minor side effects are:

  • minor bleeding


    mild pain at the site of needling

    Sometimes aggravation of symptoms before improvement

In addition, some patients experience other responses including

  • drowsiness, tiredness and feeling relaxed

  • fainting during treatment, although this is rare and most likely during the first treatment

  • Most people feel pleasantly relaxed with no ill effects after treatment.

Is there anything your practitioner needs to know?

Your practitioner will always take a thorough case history before commencing treatment. It is important that they have as much detail as possible about your medical history and any medication you are taking. You should let your practitioner know if you:

  • have ever experienced a fit, faint or funny turn

  • have a pacemaker, or any other electrical implants

  • have a bleeding disorder

  • are taking anticoagulants, immune suppressants or any other medication

  • have damaged heart valves or any particular risk of infection

Acupuncture - Client Information